Monday, October 19, 2009

One of my projects....
Thought I would share one of my projects I'm working on for Christmas gifts. The scarf was made with Lion Brand Homespun yarn in Corinthian color. Haven't decided who the lucky person will be to get it yet though.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Not ready for winter....
It's inevitable that winter will once again be beating down our doors & making the roads a slick "ride of doom," but how does it manage to sneak up on me? Last I knew autumn was just starting. Then this past Friday / Saturday we had our first measurable snow. As I bundle up for my errands & hear the crunching of snow under my shoes, I can't help but scream "no!!" I scream in my head, but still I am not ready. I can handle most any part of winter but the slick roads when I have to go somewhere. I admit I'm one of those people that drive like they are 100+ so I don't cause an accident. How I envy those people that can drive like nothing is wrong. I also say a quick prayer for them that they don't cause a wreck. Crazy people!! I know I live in a part of the world that has "fun" winters every year but it also has its perks. I love to look out my window to see the mountains caked in snow. At least the cooler weather gives me more reasons to knit things to keep warm!! LOL

Saturday, October 10, 2009

My Yarn & I....
I have been knitting in one form or another since January of this year and I must admit to something..... I have an ever going, ever growing collection of yarn. Can't seem to help myself when I see it on sale or the clearance racks. Upon organizing my collection today, I have noticed I have more than enough to choose from in various styles / colors. And yet I still buy more. Am I the only knitter with this "addiction?" LOL