Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Random Wednesday....(anything goes)

  • I love my cat (see above), but why does she always insist on getting in my lap when I'm trying to knit. She doesn't make a move to attack the yarn, but seems jealous of 2 sticks with a ball of string. I can read a book, watch TV, or do anything else without any interference. How she hears be take out my knitting I'll never know. LOL
  • Why do the News shows have to be so depressing? Can't we start out with something happy? I don't know about you, but after a long day of work I could use a bit of happy news.
  • Who was the wise guy that came up with March Madness? Just when I get used to the peace & quiet of not hearing about college football at work here it comes with basketball! Grrr!! Baseball is more my thing! = )
  • Why do some customers have to be such complete assholes about every day things? You'd think they could "catch more flies with honey" by being more professional or courteous. Doesn't seem to matter where they are from either. Thank goodness I never have to deal with them.
  • Pajama bottoms being worn in public. When did this become an okay thing to do? If your goal for the day is to be so lazy as to not take the time to change your pants before going out & looking like a complete slob - CONGRATULATIONS!!! I then don't need your permission to laugh & point at what an idiot you are. LOL
  • While we're on the subject of pants. It was an "in" thing to do for guys to wear pants that came at least halfway down their ass when I was in high school (class of '95). Why is that still in style? I don't want to know what color your boxers are or that you decided to go "commando" today. Dayum!!
  • Less than a week until Green Day's Awesome As Fuck CD / DVD combo comes out. None of the songs from the Denver concerts made it on the CD portion, but the title of the CD did!! Please refer to my recap of the 2nd Green Day concert I went to last August. Guess where I'll be bright & early on Tuesday 3/22!! Woohoo!!
  • I started using Blockbuster's DVD by mail service. Since I have gift cards, but the local stores have closed it seemed the perfect solution not to let them go to waste. Must say I love it!! Beats having to drive to who knows where in searching for a location still in business. Plus I don't have to worry about returning them by a certain deadline. Why did it take me so long to do? LOL

What's your random thought(s) for the day?