Saturday, February 18, 2006

Rappers & Their Fashion Trends....

I was flipping through the channels a few days ago when I came across a new rap video. Can't remember who all was involved in this collaboration, but the song was called "Grillz." Can someone please explain to me why a person would feel that it is necessary to have diamond encrusted teeth or "grillz" as it was called? If you ask me it's taking the whole bling-bling thing just a tiny bit too far. Also in rap videos I notice that all the male singers or males involved period, wear clothes that are way too big. Come on guys! What in the world makes you think that's hot/sexy?? And PS there fellas, too much bling is not the in thing alright? Dang, we know you're making the don't have to wear it all for the world to see! And please, write a song that has more words in it. Has anyone heard the "Laffy Taffy" song? I swear the phrase "shake your Laffy Taffy" makes up 95% of the entire song. Not to mention it's one of those lame songs that gets stuck in your head for days on end.

Being a country girl at heart, it's ironic how people think all I listen to is country music. However, that's just not so, I listen to just about any kind of music out there. Just thought I would express a few opinions about the world of rap. Sorry I haven't blogged in awhile, I'll try to do better. = )

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