Saturday, September 09, 2006

Internet dating....reality or "reality"....

For those of us who have hectic lives and try meeting people through the internet - is it real? Sure you put your pic & info on there hoping to hook that special someone that "completes" you, but do they represent there true self. Do you?

First of all, put up a picture that is recent. I don't want to see a pic of you that was taken several years ago, only to find out you've changed significantly. Not that it is a major importance, but it is quite the shocker to expect one thing only to see something else. Guys, to be honest, the ladies want to see you as much as you want to see them. I'll admit I like to see who I'm talking to.

Secondly, for me any way, please list your religion. I respect your beliefs, but if you do not believe in God there is no point in dating. This is something that matters. By the way, what is really the difference between Agnostic & Atheist? If you look them up in the dictionary, they pretty much say the same thing. Am I wrong?

Thirdly, guys you really need to take some time to write more about yourself. I see one liners that tell me very little & you know what? I'll pass you by quicker than you can say boo. It doesn't need to be a novel, but dayum! LOL

And the last point for this That's right I'm going to bring up the big "k" word. I'm getting older and the idea of raising a family of my own (with someone, not by myself) is entering my mind more & more. I'm not saying I expect to have them as soon as I'm in a relationship, but eventually I will. So if someone says in their profile they definitely want to have a family, please mean it. That's another thing that I find important.

How about you? What do you wish people would get real about in their personal ad on the internet? Please share....

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