Saturday, June 23, 2007

You've Got To Be Kidding. . . .

Mayor Bans Bottled Water for City Offices (AP News Posted: 2007-06-23 15:31:41)

SAN FRANCISCO (June 23) - The mayor of San Francisco is trying to get city workers off the bottle -- bottled water that is. Mayor Gavin Newsom has issued an executive order banning city departments from buying bottled water as of July First. It'll be extended to water coolers as of December. A spokesman for the San Francisco public utilities commission says the move will help stem global warming and save taxpayers some money. The mayor also cites the environmental impact of making, transporting and disposing of billions of bottles. When the San Francisco ban goes into effect, city and county offices will dispense municipal tap water. Exceptions will be made in cases where drinkable water is not easily available or there's a health concern.

It's a pretty sad day when the government (city, state, or federal) had to pass such a juvenile law don't you think? I could never understand the idea of buying water in a bottle when you could just invest in a Brita water filter to put on the tap. Granted I'm not endorsing Brita by posting this ad, but still it's a whole lot cheaper. What will San Francisco think up next? LOL

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