Monday, October 20, 2008

WTF?!?! My day of work.....aka HELL

I used to love my job. The pay is great, the people are great, and what I did WAS great. Now my position has changed and I am fucking miserable. My supervisor keeps giving more and more shit to do. Now I don't have any time for myself let alone anything else. So what does my genius of a boss to do me me MORE shit to do. What I am supposed to say? "Oh, gee, thanks boss! I was so bored with what LITTLE I already had to do....." with a fake smile on my face!! You asshole!!! If the pay wasn't so great or I had another job lined up, I'd fucking quit. It'll be a fucking miracle if I don't turn into a alcoholic!!! And this is just Monday.... Grrrr!!!!

On a happier note, the Broncos are getting their asses kicked!!

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Your name hyphen his name?
Is it just me or do more & more women hyphenate their names once they get married? Why would you want to do that? If you're that attached to your maiden name, then don't change it!! You could also be bold and have him change his name. If you can do that, you truly have him "whipped." LOL