Friday, November 28, 2008

A trip down Christmas Memory Lane....

As I observe children with their parents as Christmas approaches, I'm reminded of a few things when I was their age. I always looked forward to getting the catalog of toys each winter, so that I could compose a wish-list to send to Santa. Some of the items included - Barbie dream house, easy-bake oven, a horse, and cabbage patch doll. What did you include on your list to Santa?

Another memory would be my clever way of finding out what my presents were before Christmas day. I would lick my thumb, and run it over the wrapping paper. Once done it was easy to read through the paper to read whatever it was. However, after a few years, my parents figured out what I was doing. After that Mom got thicker paper or used boxes / bags that would not give the surprise away. How did you find out what you were getting? Feel free to share!

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