Sunday, September 13, 2009

Oh no he didn't.....that son of a bitch!!!

The VMA awards tonight have been amazing. Watching the tribute to Michael Jackson was well put together, and Janet (bless her heart) did a fantastic job. I've been a bit surprised by Russell Brand's rather tame performance as host compared to last year. He must have gotten into trouble for his choice words last year. The best part of course was when Green Day won for best rock video & their killer performance. Loved it when Billie Joe invited the fans on to the stage!!

Now for what really pissed me off. The best female video with nominees Pink, Beyonce, Taylor Swift, Pink, & Lady Gaga. I didn't really mind who would win the award. They are all pretty good in their own right. Was surprised that Taylor had a nomination, but with country crossing over into pop music that's alright. No big deal, right? You'd think that but.... When Taylor won she was truly surprised, but the main surprise came a few seconds later when Kayne West came on stage. He grabs the mic out of Taylor's hands giving a lame ass apology & then proceeds to bitch & moan that Beyonce should have won. Beyonce & everyone else was in shock and I am truly surprised someone didn't drag his ass off the stage. What right did that motherfucking son of a bitch have for ruining Taylor's moment?!?!! Was I ever mad. I hope that bastard doesn't win any awards tonight & his records fail to sell. I never thought I would have that boy's name in my blog, but I just had to comment. Please pardon my coarse language used. What do you think of the issue?

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