Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Fun Movie Fact Of The Week

Did you know that Marlon Brando was originally supposed to play The Sundance Kid in the movie Butch Cassidy & The Sundance Kid (1969)? However, Paul Newman insisted that Robert Redford get the part. As much as I enjoy Brando's movies, I can't imagine anyone else but Robert Redford in that particular role. Can you?

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Fun Movie Fact of the Week -

Did you know that Matthew McConaughey was originally supposed to play Kiefer Sutherland's part in the movie "A Time To Kill" (1996)? However, he convinced the director, producer, Warner Bros., etc that he could do the role of Jake Brigance. One more fun fact on this movie - Val Kilmer tried out for the part of Jake Brigance also. What a different movie that would have been had Val gotten the part....

Friday, September 16, 2005

Isn't Ironic....?
  • Family / Friends say..."you'll find that special someone someday." Just when exactly is someday?
  • When you get to work you clock-in by what your watch says because it runs a little slower. However, you go by what the office clock says at the end of the day because it's 5 minutes faster.
  • The movie critics rave about a movie saying how "wonderful" it is - you go to see it and absolutely hate it. You love a movie and the critics rip it to shreds.
  • When the cell phone was first created I believe it was intended to be used in case of emergency. Nowadays everyone & there uncle uses it for every purpose under the sun and everywhere imaginable. Do you really need a cell phone that - takes pictures, video, & with internet access? Come on people! Geez!
  • When you're in a hurry...no one else is!

What do you find ironic?

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

God Be With You My Love...

God be with you my love,
for those moments when we are apart.
May He watch over you from up above,
and you be forever in my heart.
For you are so special to me, my dear,
and I cherish every moment that you are near.
The tranquil music that plays as we dance
feels like time standing still if for only that moment in time.
Was our meeting one of chance?
Do I have your heart? For I know that you have mine.
But until we meet again it is you I will be thinking of
And may God be with you my love.

Monday, September 12, 2005

Today's Point To Ponder -

Have the latest in cars/trucks/SUVs come without turn signals, or are people to busy driving & chatting on their cell phone...?

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Fun Movie Fact Of the Week....

In the movie Smokey & The Bandit (1977) there is a scene where Frog's car is in the process of being stolen on the side of the road. If you pay attention to Jackie Gleason's gun belt....it disappears for a few seconds then reappears.


So last night I'm in a chat room with my friend M & a sweet Irishman named G..... We're chatting along...discussing just about any topic that popped up. M & I have been friends for over 5 years, we've always teased (I thought in a harmless manner) each other about various things....no harm in it right? G & I were teasing her about how she behaves when she drinks. Next thing I know...G & I get booted out of the chat room and a nasty email never to contact M again. Now if she had simply said "don't tease me about that" or something similiar to that affect I would have stopped and moved on to the next topic. No problem. Instead I get treated in a rather harsh manner and a friendship ended.

The point to ponder today....if someone is willing to break off a 5 year friendship over something trivial....was she ever your friend to begin with?