Sunday, September 11, 2005


So last night I'm in a chat room with my friend M & a sweet Irishman named G..... We're chatting along...discussing just about any topic that popped up. M & I have been friends for over 5 years, we've always teased (I thought in a harmless manner) each other about various harm in it right? G & I were teasing her about how she behaves when she drinks. Next thing I know...G & I get booted out of the chat room and a nasty email never to contact M again. Now if she had simply said "don't tease me about that" or something similiar to that affect I would have stopped and moved on to the next topic. No problem. Instead I get treated in a rather harsh manner and a friendship ended.

The point to ponder today....if someone is willing to break off a 5 year friendship over something trivial....was she ever your friend to begin with?

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