Friday, September 16, 2005

Isn't Ironic....?
  • Family / Friends say..."you'll find that special someone someday." Just when exactly is someday?
  • When you get to work you clock-in by what your watch says because it runs a little slower. However, you go by what the office clock says at the end of the day because it's 5 minutes faster.
  • The movie critics rave about a movie saying how "wonderful" it is - you go to see it and absolutely hate it. You love a movie and the critics rip it to shreds.
  • When the cell phone was first created I believe it was intended to be used in case of emergency. Nowadays everyone & there uncle uses it for every purpose under the sun and everywhere imaginable. Do you really need a cell phone that - takes pictures, video, & with internet access? Come on people! Geez!
  • When you're in a one else is!

What do you find ironic?

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