Monday, May 26, 2008

Happy Monday!!

I am always glad to have a day off now and again, but I know with my line of work I'll pay for it all this week. Why is that? You'd think 1 day wouldn't make that much of a difference but it does. Due to the price of gas such as it is and the crappy weather we are having, I stayed in today. It was rather nice. I finished up my laundry, caught up on some reading, and watched some movies I hadn't watched in awhile. In a little bit I'll make some "holiday food" of BBQ-ed bratwurst. Yum, yum! It'll be the 4th of July, before I know it. Always look forward to the fireworks and parties to attend in celebrating. Thank goodness that holiday is on a Friday this year.

Did anyone watch the Dr. Phil show today? Since I do not have kids of my own, I know I should just keep my mouth shut but I can't help it. How in the world do parents let their kids get that out of control?!? Seriously, I want to know! If I had back-sassed my parents the way those kids on the show were doing, I would have got my butt spanked. That's right - spanked!! Back in my day (does that make me old using that phrase?), kids got spanked. I was not abused, but a good swat or 2 on the behind definitely got my attention. Also went to my room for a set amount of time if need be. I'm not endorsing spanking by any means, but it doesn't hurt to use it once in a great while.

Well, I'm off to make some dinner. I want to have an early dinner so I can watch The Searchers on the western channel @ 6pm MST. Would love to know how many times I have watched that movie. I can almost quote the entire movie word for word!! Until next time....

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Today's Observations.....or Time To Vent

  • It's a beautiful day out, but can't go too far in my car to explore. Bet the oil companies could give a damn that the majority of the country has to pay $40+ just to fill the gas tank; not to mention to pay for the higher prices of food, beverage, etc. Will gas prices ever go down?!?
  • Clinton vs Obama...Will one of you please drop out so I can decide who I am going to vote for when all is said & done? I can't remember the last time a nomination for one party went on and on and on.... WTF?!?
  • Indiana Jones's been 19 years!!! Do you honestly think this has a chance in hell of being halfway decent to watch? Usually when it's been 5+ years long in making a sequel, the movie bombs. I hope this time to be wrong, but ya never know?
  • On a happy note - I did get the new Foxboro Hottubs CD. A side project from Green Day. If you love 60's type music with a bit of kick, you'll love this!!! I know I do. Listening to it right now in fact! Has anyone been to one of the concerts yet? Unfortunately they are sticking to doing concerts in the west. Hey boys, get your asses out here to see me!! It's too expensive to go out there these days!! LOL
  • In regards to the song Sally off the new Foxboro Hottubs CD, what song does that remind you of? Not saying the boys ripped off someone's song, but it sounds familiar to me....
  • Why is it when we live in a certain area known for National Parks & plenty of outdoorsy things, we venture elsewhere to do these things? I've lived here for 4 years now and the only time I go to the Rocky Mtn National Park is when I have company from back home in MO. Bet that place is a zoo today with the holiday and all.
  • Why does chicken cost more than beef? Trivial I know, but damn it - why?!? It shouldn't cost more to feed a chicken compared to a cow. Or does it? Honestly, why does it have to cost $7 per pound of chicken vs $3 for beef?
  • Why do people drive slower when they are on their cell phone? I passed a young lady the other day who was driving like Grandma Moses and sure enough she was yakking away on her cell phone. Bet the conversation could have waiting until she got home. Crazy cell phone users!! LOL
  • Ever since Ted Kennedy's hospital stay and discovery of his brain tumor, he's been a story for Entertainment Tonight to report on every day. Can someone please explain that to me? When did being a poltician become part of the entertainment industry? When I first heard he was in the hospital, I would have bet it was his liver that was causing him problems. Not a laughing matter in either case. As much as I do not like the Kennedys, I wouldn't wish a tragedy such as this on anyone.

Well, that's enough for now. Until next time.....