Monday, May 26, 2008

Happy Monday!!

I am always glad to have a day off now and again, but I know with my line of work I'll pay for it all this week. Why is that? You'd think 1 day wouldn't make that much of a difference but it does. Due to the price of gas such as it is and the crappy weather we are having, I stayed in today. It was rather nice. I finished up my laundry, caught up on some reading, and watched some movies I hadn't watched in awhile. In a little bit I'll make some "holiday food" of BBQ-ed bratwurst. Yum, yum! It'll be the 4th of July, before I know it. Always look forward to the fireworks and parties to attend in celebrating. Thank goodness that holiday is on a Friday this year.

Did anyone watch the Dr. Phil show today? Since I do not have kids of my own, I know I should just keep my mouth shut but I can't help it. How in the world do parents let their kids get that out of control?!? Seriously, I want to know! If I had back-sassed my parents the way those kids on the show were doing, I would have got my butt spanked. That's right - spanked!! Back in my day (does that make me old using that phrase?), kids got spanked. I was not abused, but a good swat or 2 on the behind definitely got my attention. Also went to my room for a set amount of time if need be. I'm not endorsing spanking by any means, but it doesn't hurt to use it once in a great while.

Well, I'm off to make some dinner. I want to have an early dinner so I can watch The Searchers on the western channel @ 6pm MST. Would love to know how many times I have watched that movie. I can almost quote the entire movie word for word!! Until next time....

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