Sunday, June 01, 2008

To bike or not to bike - that is the question....

While the gas prices continue to rise, and I need to find ways to pay for my 200+ miles I drive each week I wonder if getting a bike would be a feasible option. Why do I drive so much do you ask? job is 20 miles away causing a 40 mile round trip Monday thru Friday. It's also a lot more expensive to live where my job is located compared to my current location. I wonder if I took the time to move / relocate - would the VPs move the business again? Knowing my luck - yes, they would. Before the last move I was 7 miles / 10 minutes away....

What kind of bike should I get? Can't go the scooter / motorcycle route as that would bring along the expense and hassle of getting a license to do that. So that leaves me with getting a good old fashioned do-it-myself bike. I'm cool with that. No harm in getting some extra exercise into my busy day. Next I would have to decide how far I drive and the remainder to bike. There are some RTD parking lots along my route that I pass each day. But which one to park my car at? I suppose I would have to get the bike first and test it out on the weekends on how far I can go plus the time it takes. The only thing that I can't understand is the cost of the bike. Between Wal-Mart & Target, the cheapest bike they have is $80!! To me that's a lot, but then again I haven't owned a bike since I was a kid. I would buy something off of eBay or craigslist, but how do you know if you what you are buying is a good deal? Plus it's not cheap to have a bike shipped with the rising costs the US Postal Service loves to charge.

Right now I'm just doing some window shopping on various websites and here locally trying to bike or not to bike? What do you think? Until next time....

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