Saturday, June 28, 2008

Gas Prices

Warning: Remember this is just my opinion. If I get the facts I have learned wrong, I am only human. In other words, I don't need to be corrected. Thank you! Enjoy!

I can see peoples' different point of views on this issue. Let's break it down into a few groups.

Group #1 - The Environmentalists: I'm all for saving our planet for our generation and the generations to come. Also for the many varieties of life - animals, plants, etc. I applaud them for what they have done or trying to do to help. Alternative fuels are a great idea, but that could take a few years or decades.

Group #2 - The Government: That's right the "G" word! We all know that the oil companies "grease" their wheels. Anything the government is doing to help us is all show. Do you really think they will do anything? Sadly money talks louder than billions of pissed off people who must choose between buying gas, food, medicines, etc. to get through their daily lives.

Group #3 - The Oil Companies / Speculators: I swear if someone doesn't put some heavy duty duct tape on the speculators' mouths, I will!!! Every time they say something negative the price of a barrel / gallon of gas at the pump sky rockets quicker than you can say "Holy shit the gas prices have gone up again!" I realize you guys are in it for the m-o-n-e-y, but you're hurting the people that buy that gas!! If the price of gas went down, we could afford to buy more. Get it?!?

Group #4 - The People: Just to clear things up, I do not list the groups here in the order of importance. If anything we should be group #1, but I am writing as I go so sue me! Ok, so we're down to us. The citizens of the US of A and around the world. What do we have to do to make a change? Use less gas? That's great, but if you have to drive a good distance to work each day that won't work. Take a bus? That's great if you have the option and the time to waste since it takes twice the amount of time had you driven yourself instead. Write a letter to the government? That's great, but how many letters will it take to get anywhere. Like I said before - the government is just making a show of discussing options. Good luck with them getting the lead out of their asses. What do I think should happen? Well, it's not a simple thing but it's all I've got right now. That opinion may change as things move along. I think the government and the environmentalists need to work out some sort of compromise so that we can drill here at home. There must be somewhere we can drill that will not harm us or the critters that inhabit the location in which we would drill. And since it takes years for anything to get down around here, they had better kiss & make up soon to come up with a solution. I don't know about you all, but paying for the rising cost of gas, food, etc. is cleaning me out and not in a good way!

Well, that's enough for now. I am sure I will continue to post my views as the price of gas continues to grow and grow and grow and grow.....and grow......

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