Monday, June 09, 2008

Stalker-razzi, what gives YOU the right?!?

I have a few bones to pick with you stalker-razzis. Here's just a few things I feel a need to vent about. Will you listen? I doubt it, but I'll feel better just the same.

  • I realize you abolutely LOVE to hide behind the first amendment, but where in that amendment does it give you the right to stalk & terrorize celebrities? Especially when they are trying to enjoy outtings with their small children?
  • You should have no right to terrorize someone at their own home. If it were me, I would embrace my right to bear arms againt you. It's in the second amendment. You should check it out sometime.
  • You're a big part of the reason that young hollywood is so f-ed up these days. If any of us had a group of a-holes following them each and every second of every day, we'd be messed up too. Back the fuck off!
  • As for the Nick Hogan situation with the phone conversation.... We all get that the phone conversation was not "private" in that it was being taped by the police, but that doesn't mean it was public to share with the world. It is none of our business. Regardless of what was said in that conversation, the media should leave well enough alone. Who are you to judge if the parents should have done this or that? Who could be calm & rational when their child is in jail?
  • I know it's been awhile since Princess Di passed away due to the stalker-razzi, but who else has to die before you bastards care even a tiny bit?
  • You better watch out. People like George Clooney are going to make your lives hell & the fans will be behind them 100%! Your days of stalking will be numbered.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

I was at that show!!! I just finally posted about it on my blog.