Saturday, August 15, 2009

19 Hours & Counting....
Well, it's just a little past midnight in Denver land and now the official day of the concert. I can hardly wait. It's hard to believe that just this past May I bought my tickets for this show to be on the floor and as close to my boys as I can possibly get. Hopefully the people on the floor will be somewhat respectful of those around them & not cram us in there too tightly, but it's a rock concert...who am I kidding right? LOL Unfortunately at this venue cameras of any kind are not allowed. Thank goodness for the cameras on cell phones. Who would take them right? Surely I can sneak a few pics. More to come later as the day progresses. I'll also be putting up a review of the concert as soon as I get home....sober or tipsy maybe...but definitely excited!!

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