Sunday, March 28, 2010

My Inner "Witch"

Ever have one of those days where things seem to be going alright, and then that one little "something" causes a landslide to "witchville?" Today was one of those days. I had finished knitting / sewing together a swiffer cover that was much better than the first one I made. I also just relaxed - watching tv / reading. Then I get a phone call from someone I don't normally mind talking to, but I just wasn't in the mood for chit chat. I could tell they wanted me to talk or say something, but what I am supposed to say when I'm not in the mood. The call ends & then for the rest of the day I just feel witchy. Starting to feel better now, but I get so frustrated with myself when I get this way. I don't think I'm bipolar, but something is definitely off. Maybe it's getting close to that "time" when our inner witch loves to come out to play even when we don't want it to. Grrr!!! Oh well. Is it August yet? = ) 

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