Sunday, August 29, 2010

To say I had a wonderful time would be an understatement. It was awesome as fuck!! Here are but a few snippets from the 2nd time around in no particular order. Now if I could only afford to go see them on the South American leg of the tour. Wouldn't that be fun?!? LOL

  • Billie confirmed there will be live CD coming out soon. Oh, yeah!! = )
  • A few of the songs performed - She, 2000 Light Years Away, Who Wrote Holden Coulfield, Holiday, Know Your Enemy, When I Come Around, Wake Me Up When September Ends, 21st Century Breakdown, Murder City, King For A Day, Longview, Jesus of Suburbia.
  • They performed a new song Cigarettes & Valentines. Well, new to us any way. It was originally supposed to be on the album that was replaced by American Idiot. You know the one that was "stolen." In fact, Billie asked us at the end if we wanted to hear it again. What do you think we said?
  • Got quite a few pictures. Billie seemed to know when I was taking them though because he would shut his eyes. Little stinker! Mostly pics of Billie due to my position & the people in front of me. Got a few of Mike / Tre as well. Hope the Jasons & Jeff will forgive me that I didn't get the chance to take theirs. I've shared a few of my pics in this blog. Need to do some touching up on the others. I usually like to include a pic of them together, but it wasn't like they were posing for group photos. = )
  • Many thanks to the "bodyguards" that saved this 5'4" gal from getting trampled by the mosh pit. They would get those moshers under control; then ask those around "are you ok?" Just goes to show you chivalry ain't dead yet!! The same people also made sure I could see. Did I mention I was no more than 5-6' from my boys?!? Couldn't ya just die from pure pleasure? I could. LOL
  • During King For A Day / Shout - All of them sang the "I want you to know..." part. It took a little coaxing with Jason White, but he finally participated & even did a little dance.
  • Due to this being in a outside venue, we were able to hear the sound check. A great way to kill time while waiting to get in. Definitely liked this location better since I was able to be much closer to the stage / my boys.
  • The mosh pit wasn't near as bad this time around either. Per my previous note, the "bodyguards" kept them well under control. I almost got knocked down a few times, but that just goes with the territory. Does anyone know the story behind the mosh pit? I shall have to google that later.
  • AFI put on a great show. Couldn't understand half of what Davey said or sang, but when Miss Murder played we all knew that song enough to sing along. During their performance, Billie came out dressed in a tiger mascot costume. It was hilarious!! Not to be outdone, Davey came out during one of their songs & did a duet with Billie. Will definitely look into getting an AFI CD.
  • Towards the end when Billie was performing Last Night On Earth, a group next to me took out handwritten signs that said "Awesome As Fuck!" Billie got the giggles seeing them & had to shut his eyes to get through the song. He then included that phrase in Good Riddance. Those of us in the pit that knew about the signs got a real kick out of that.
  • Longview was sung by 3 different people - 1 for each verse. The first 2 blanked on the words. Billie tried to help them along, but you could tell they were a bit awestruck once they got on stage. The 3rd did it perfect & got Billie's guitar. Lucky girl!!!
  • Mike threw out his mouse ears he wore during King For A Day. I didn't catch them, but the girl that did let me touch them. Sweet!!
  • When it came for the water hose to be sprayed it was very welcome. Nice way to cool off when squished among so many. The toilet paper sprayer & t-shirt shooter also made an appearance.

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