Friday, August 27, 2010

Green Day Guys Group 1 Images

Round Two!!

It seems like only yesterday I was doing the countdown for my first Green Day Concert (8/15/2009), now my countdown is almost over for the next one tomorrow night. What will they sing this time around I wonder? I’ve been hearing reports they’ve added more old songs to the line up which is great for me since I’ve missed out on hearing them live the first time around. There have also been reports that besides Longview & Jesus of Suburbia they have been asking fans to come up for other reasons. It would be great if during a song Billie asks for fans to come up. Guess what boys & girls? I’ll be right up there in a split second!! I am back in the pit again right in front of the stage. Should be interesting to see what happens this time with the mosh pit. Will I get knocked down? Will I be able to see my boys? Only time will tell. Tick tock goes the clock……the countdown continues…..

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