Sunday, May 16, 2010

Is it really necessary? (Cell Phone Edition)

  • While you drive - What is so important that you can't wait until you are stopped to make a phone call or send a text? You may think you're the best multi-tasker / fastest when it comes to texting, but it only takes a mere second to cause a wreck. If you're having a "holy shit" moment and need to contact someone right away, please pull over to the side of the road. The rest of us will breath a sigh of relief at one less crazy person to deal with on the road.

  • At a public place - Do the rest of us really need to hear about Betty having an affair with George? Or who wore what to a certain party? I don't know about you, but I don't want everyone to know my business. Why should I have to hear yours? Again this could be done at a later time. If you're going to chat it up in a public place, I do have the right to laugh or make comments about your conversation. If you happen to hear me, I just don't care. LOL

  • At work - If you're on a break, chat / text all you want. However, I do know some people just love to have that cell phone handy 24/7. If it's an emergency, I bet someone knows your work number or how to leave a message for you on your cell. It'll be ok if you wait until break to reply to messages left.
I think the cell phone is a great invention, but some people use them WAY TOO MUCH. Remember the days when we had to actually find a pay phone or heaven forbid wait until we got home to make a call? Oh the horror!! LOL I typically use mine for emergencies, when I need to know something while shopping, or to kill time. I always tell people that if I am driving their calls will be returned when next I stop. How simple, right? What are your cell phone pet peeves?

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