Saturday, October 29, 2005

10 Favorites:
Favorite Season: Summer
Favorite Sport: Baseball
Favorite Time of Day: Night
Favorite Month: June
Favorite Actor: Matthew McConaughey
Favorite Actress: Charlize Theoron
Favorite Ice Cream: Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
Favorite Food: Chocolate
Favorite Drink: Margarita
Favorite Place: My hometown

9 Currents:
Current Feeling: Mellow
Current O/S: what?
Current Windows Open: MS Works & AOL
Current Drink: Water
Current Time: 5:00pm
Current Mobile(s) Used: T-Mobile
Current Show on TV: Mad Tv
Current Thought: I wish I were going out tonight
Current Clothes: T-shirt & sweatpants

8 Firsts:
First Nickname: P. A. Appleberry
First Kiss: A lady never tells...
First Crush: Nathan Selby
First Computer: Packard Bell
First Vehicle I drove: 1978 Olds Delta 88
First Job: Bookkeeper
First Movie: Something Disney I am sure...
First Pet: English Pointer named Buck
First Alcoholic Beverage: Beer

7 Lasts:
Last Chai (Tea): Haven't tried it yet
Last Movie: Two For The Money
Last Time I Drove: About 3 hours ago
Last Time Shaved: This morning
Last Web Site Visited:
Last Software Installed: HP Scanner installing software
Last Pill I Had: Aspirin, earlier today

6 Have You Evers:
Have You Ever Broken the Law: Hmmmm.....maybe....
Have You Ever Been Drunk: Definitely!
Have You Ever Climbed a Tree: Yes I have
Have You Ever Kissed Someone You Didn't Know: Yes
Have You Ever Been in the Middle/Close to Gunfire or Bomb Blast: No
Have You Ever Broken Anyone's Heart: Not that I know of

5 Things:
Things You Can Hear Right Now: TV, computer fan whirring, cat meowing
Things on Your Computer Table: Paper, pictures, pen, CDs
Things on Your Bed: comforter, sheets, pillows, quilt
Things You Ate Today: McDonald's Chicken McNuggets & Fries
Things in Mind: Tomorrow is my b-day!

4 Places You Have Been Today: bank, Target, the mall, Wal-Mart

3 People You Can Tell Anything To: Mom, Steve, Eric

2. Choices:
Black or White: black
Hot or Cold: hot

1 Thing You Want To Do Before You Die:
Jump out of a plane...

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