Saturday, October 22, 2005

Remakes & Sequels....

Sometimes originals should be left alone when it comes to movies. Take this new guy that will be playing James Bond....what's-his-name (not even worth remembering)..!! Sean Connery is and will always be the only James Bond I'll ever watch!

Then there are the constant remakes & retelling of certain people that really lived such as: Jesse James, Wyatt Earp, The Alamo, etc. Come on how many different ways can you tell one story!!

One more thing before I finish my little rant - do we have to have one certain genre that dominates every year?!? Sometimes it's movies on war, horror, and bore. Geez! Whatever happened to the good old days of Hollywood when most of your movies had happy endings! It's fiction for crying out loud! Who wants to see real life on screen? You want to see reality that's not your own? Watch TV! There's too much of that too! Get a new storyline! A nice romantic movie would be nice for a change. I know I'm looking forward to the new movie about Johnny & June Carter Cash....maybe there's hope yet!

Whew! I feel better.... Thanks for stopping by!

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