Friday, December 30, 2005

On the road pet peeves. . .
As I was traveling home to Missouri for the holidays, I am reminded once again of the "fun" of driving with people who lack the common sense needed to be on the road.
  • Joggers / Bicycle Riders - I applaud your need for exercise to keep yourself fit or even to get you where you need to go. However, here's a couple of things to keep in mind. If you are jogging, you run in the opposite direction of traffic, so that you can watch oncoming cars and avoid accidents. Remember the car is bigger and tougher than you are. If you are on a bicycle, stay in your lane or please have the courtesy to move over when you are biking with your buddies. I know you have a right to the road too, but causing a traffic jam will not earn you brownie points. To joggers & bicyclists both, for crying out loud when you are out at night wear something bright so I can see you. I almost didn't some crazy nut tonight that was jogging wearing all black!
  • Left Lane Slow Pokes - did you know that it's a law to be in the right lane if you're driving below the speed limit? Also for those stretch of highways that have a second lane at certain locations - pull the heck over to that lane so I can get around. Geez!
  • No Signal Light - I realize that phone call you are making on your cell phone is "important" but learn how to use that all important signal light. If you're not on your phone, there is no reason not to use that signal light whatsoever. It's there for a reason folks!
  • Cruise - Don't you just love being behind some nut that doesn't know what cruise control is? It's rather simple to use and saves on using the brake for those behind you. Pick a speed and keep it!
  • Brake Happy People - Why are some people in love with their brakes? Old or young it doesn't seem to matter.
  • There Are Mirrors?? - Yes, there are. Use them the next time you want to switch lanes or back up, please!
  • Turning Onto Another Road - Don't ya just love those nuts that just have to pull out in front of you and then slow way down. Thanks a lot there buddy!!!

Well, I feel better. I'm sure I've left some people out, but this is a start. LOL


Drywall Mom said...

I agree with you there. I hate it when people are in the left lane going slow as hell and you honk at them and they get all pissed off at you. As for the bikers and the runners, stay clear of Boulder, you'll just get upset at them b/c they do it all the time. But they actually have a law in that town that bikers cannot do group biking on the streets b/c of that problem. Those dam hippies. But the one I hate the most is the cell phone drivers. I won't even get started on that one.

CountryGirl76 said...

I'm about 10 miles from Boulder, and sometimes that's not far enough! LOL I won't get started on the cell phone drivers either. That could take up an entire blog itself!