Friday, December 30, 2005

Try to do better / New Year's Resolution. . .
I know I've been a little lazy about posting on my blog this month. The company I work for had a big move to a brand new building....and was that ever fun...not! LOL Then I turned right around and went home for the holidays to Missouri.
Going home is always fun for me no matter what time of year. Have you never noticed that when you move and return home you're more popular than when you lived there? Everyone wants to do something - breakfast/lunch/dinner/etc. Unfortunately, there's only so many hours in the day and I'm unable to see or visit with everyone.
Thanks to Drywall Mom for checking up on me when I got behind in posting. This coming year I will try to write at least 2-3 postings a week. May be short & sweet or rather long. You'll have to stop by & see. If you have a suggestion on what you'd like me to write, drop me a note. I can't guarantee I'll answer everything, but I'll try.
Hope everyone has a wonderful & safe new year!

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