Sunday, December 18, 2005

Tunnel Vision Shoppers. . .
No matter where you go there they are...the tunnel vision shoppers. You know the ones I mean, that "lovely" person or persons that are right at the spot you need to be when shopping, and they will not even acknowledge that you are there so you can grab what you want & go. Do I need a neon sign for you to see me? Some bells & whistles to announce my presence? Even when I say excuse me I'm ignored!!! So frustrating!! I swear one of these days I'm going to walk right up to the a-holes and say "get the f#$@ out of the way!" Well, I certainly feel better. . .thanks for listening!

1 comment:

Drywall Mom said...

I come across those all the time. They always seem to be at walmart for some reason. I swear I should just go around with a frying pan and smack them across the back of their heads so maybe they will get the picture.

And I have to say is, what happened to all the posts. You haven't posted in a while.