Sunday, January 08, 2006

2 more cents?!?
Hey there, Mr. Postman, no letter for me? How about the notice that postage was going to go up 2 cents this weekend? I just happen to see something about it on the internet yesterday in time to put the correct about of stamps on my bills/letters! And why did it go up the people ask? Because the postal system needs to put away some money into a savings account! Excuse me! Run that by me again! You can't save money or manage it, so the people have to basically be the "parents" and bail the "kid," aka the postal system, out of a jam! Maybe I wouldn't mind it so much if you lowered the postage stamp once you got your precious amount of extra money out of me! But no, you just keep wanting greedy SOB!!! Damn it, Uncle Sam, manage your money better & quit taking mine!!! On the bright side, I know how to cheat the system. When shipping packages or larger items that I sell on eBay, I use the media mail rate! So put that in your pipe & smoke it!!

1 comment:

Drywall Mom said...

They did that with the toll roads over here. They said that once they were paid off in X amount of years it would be free again. And people actually beleived them. Instead, they hiked their prices and any new highway that they add now is becoming a toll road. Dam greedy greedy people.