Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Have you ever. . .part 2 (see part 1 on 11/06/05)?
Well, they've struck again! My pesky neighbors! I get home this evening to find out via a note on my door that I'm playing my "tv way too loud at 5am" Rather pissed off I called the leasing office. Here's how the conversation went -
  • Me: Hi, this is Jodi in apt #______, I'm calling about the note on my door saying I was playing my tv too loud at 5am.
  • Leasing Lady: Yes, we got a call this morning that this has been going on for 3 days now.
  • Me: I'm not even up until 6 am, I know it isn't me.
  • LL: Well, 5 or 6 the tv is too loud. The person issuing the complaint is saying that it is so loud they know it's "Good Morning America".
  • Me: I don't watch "GMA", I listen to my radio station Alice 105.9
  • LL: ::::silence::::
  • Me: Look, I know it isn't me, & I want to make that clear. (Thinking to myself, "say something, LL!!")
  • LL: Well (and she says this kind of whiney) we don't have proof.
  • Me: Ok, fine. I just wanted to call and discuss this with you.

Basically, we chit-chatted & she contributed very little. I just don't get it. I've had noisy neighbors, so I know when to keep it quiet. My question is am I right to call the leasing office whenever this occurs? Or should I just keep quiet?


Drywall Mom said...

Wouldn't you think that they would call you to see about it before putting a rude not on your door. If you know who is putting in the complaint, go bother them and tell them you don't like being the butt of their problem.

CountryGirl76 said...

I think it's the people below me. The ironic thing is they can be loud sometimes too - playing karoke and talking loudly on the patio. This one person that comes to visit them I swear has a microphone when she's on the patio; can hear her clear as a bell. I'd love to go tell them off, but knowing my luck I'd just make matters worse.

I also did some research while getting ready for work this morning. GMA isn't on tv until 7am. My radio's volume goes from 1 to 10; each number has 3 levels. My radio is set at #2/Level 3. Now that can't be loud if you ask me. Maybe I need my hearing checked?

Drywall Mom said...

We got some new neigbors that are behind us with a kid, and that kid constantly hits the walls or bumps things into it. I just hope that my neighbor below us doesn't think that it is us b/c we too have a 4 yr old that likes to run. I am constantly reminding him that he can't run in the house.

CountryGirl76 said...

You could always say something to the neighbors with the noisy kid. I am trying to work on the new theory that until they can prove who's making the noise, they had better leave me alone and I won't worry about the next note should one appear.