Saturday, January 28, 2006

Random Thoughts....
For the last few months, Wal-Mart has been building a supercenter on the very north end of town. Usually staying on the south side, I ventured over to see if it had finally opened. Sure enough it had, and you would think people had never been to one before. Maybe it was simply the curiosity of the local town folk since the store just opened yesterday. I get such a kick out of watching people when they are going crazy over something new. They are going up and down every individual ailse not wanting to miss a thing. Thinking they are getting a great bargain on something, they pile things in their shopping cart. I was just happy to get what I needed and get the hell out of there. Not that I'm a big fan of Wal-Mart itself, but being broke doesn't entitle me to be so choosy.

I'm also considering telling my local cable company to kiss my ass (pardon my french).... I swear for the few channels I watch it is getting to the point where it is so not worth it. I'm trying to do as much research as I can about Direct TV. I wonder if they are any better at a cheaper rate who knows? I'm trying to get as much input as I can. What do you think?

Don't you just love it when your neighbors down below decide to greet the mid-morning hours with a serenade while your trying to sleep in? The guy isn't so bad, but the girl has a high pitch voice that is like nails on a chalkboard! Thankfully I haven't got any more complaints posted on my door about my "supposed" loud tv/radio/anything else the neighbors think of. Makes this crazy country girl think she's the only sane one here.... LOL

Well, know this post doesn't make much sense, but that's the way it goes with random thoughts....hopping from one topic to another in no particular order. Until next time. . .


Drywall Mom said...

The walmart by my house is so annoying, they are in the process of taking the old one and making it a super walmart. Which is nice to have a super walmart a block from me, but it was already a busy store before they started all the work on it and now there is absolutely no parking and the same amount of people that go there. And the people there are so rude. If I didn't have to buy my baby's formula there, I would go to the target across the street.

CountryGirl76 said...

I feel your pain, believe me. There is a smaller Wal-Mart on the south end of town that I usually go to, & it is a pain to go there any time of the day. Good luck not walking a mile to the front door, and the rude people that don't know how to move their carts so you can pass or get the item you need. I love Target, but sometimes I have to go for price.

Drywall Mom said...

Countrygirl, I know what you mean. I have to go for price also sometimes. I do like Targets decorations alot more than Walmart's. They look like they arn't made out of cheap woods or particle board.