Tuesday, January 20, 2009

No means NO!!

I used to work in retail, so believe me when I say I know you have to but.... When I go to checkout with my purchases, and you ask me if I would be interested in your store credit card....if I say "no, thank you" that means for you to stop right there. No, I don't want to hear anything more. No, I don't want to save 10% more on top of the coupons & what-not I have to save what I have so far. No means no!! This also applies when I am looking thru the store. If I am looking around, and you come up to me with the list of specials to talk about that's fine but when I say no again....guess what? It means "leave me alone!!" Why oh why can't I be nice about it? Why do I have to be a witch to get your attention? Can someone please explain this to me? LOL

Saturday, January 17, 2009

My New Hobby. . . .

One of my gifts for Christmas was a gift card to Hobby Lobby. For those of you who have never been, it has anything / everything you could possibly need for a variety of hobbys as well as various knick knacks to decorate your home / garden. Last Saturday when I was there, I thought "ok, what hobby could I learn how to do....?" About that time I went by their rows of knitting yarns and supplies. When I was little I loved to watch my great-grandmother knit things. I even "tried" to knit at the time, but nothing ever came of it. I turned my cart down those lanes, and then saw the very thing I wanted to use my gift card for!! A knitting loom!! A completely new way of knitting to me that seemed very easy. I then proceeded to purchase that plus a couple things of yarn. I've been knitting for a week now & absolutely love it!!! So far I've knitted a couple of scarves to get the hang of it, but now I've moved on to making an afghan. Be anxious to see how that goes!! If you have any loom knitting advice, I'd love to hear it. I don't seem to be too good at the finishing part when taking the project off the loom, but I'm working on it!! = )

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Prices never go down....

Why is it most things you buy the prices go up & down periodically (gas, food, etc), but never things such as cable / rent / insurance rates? They always go up for some lame ass excuse or another. Oh sure we can do without certain things, but others we have to pay no mater what & go without things we really do need. Granted I don't need to have cable, but just once I wish they'd lower their prices for a change. I swear if they raise it one more time, I'm going to switch to Dish Network so fast it'll make their heads spin!! Grrr!! What do you wish would go down in price? Let's discuss!!

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Trivial thought of the day....

Have you ever noticed that most channels go to commercial at the same time?? WTF?!? I do not want to sit thru commercials - that's why I flip to watch something else to kill time!! And btw I hate that commercial breaks keep getting longer. Does it really take 5+ minutes of commercial break time to advertise shit we don't need? Dayum!!! LOL