Tuesday, January 20, 2009

No means NO!!

I used to work in retail, so believe me when I say I know you have to but.... When I go to checkout with my purchases, and you ask me if I would be interested in your store credit card....if I say "no, thank you" that means for you to stop right there. No, I don't want to hear anything more. No, I don't want to save 10% more on top of the coupons & what-not I have to save what I have so far. No means no!! This also applies when I am looking thru the store. If I am looking around, and you come up to me with the list of specials to talk about that's fine but when I say no again....guess what? It means "leave me alone!!" Why oh why can't I be nice about it? Why do I have to be a witch to get your attention? Can someone please explain this to me? LOL


Phil said...

What I hate is when they ask for your home phone number. What the hell? There is no reason that a store should ever need to call me.

Lindsey said...

Uh I know. That irritates the hell out of me. Now I usually tell them I already have one...just to get them off my back.