Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Prices never go down....

Why is it most things you buy the prices go up & down periodically (gas, food, etc), but never things such as cable / rent / insurance rates? They always go up for some lame ass excuse or another. Oh sure we can do without certain things, but others we have to pay no mater what & go without things we really do need. Granted I don't need to have cable, but just once I wish they'd lower their prices for a change. I swear if they raise it one more time, I'm going to switch to Dish Network so fast it'll make their heads spin!! Grrr!! What do you wish would go down in price? Let's discuss!!

1 comment:

The Knotty Woodworker said...

What gets me are the government mandated expenses - like insurance and, yes even garbage service. I live within the city limits of Longmont. Two years ago when I subscribed to Longmont utilities, I told them that I did not need trash pick up. I own a business and have a dumpster at my shop. They said "Sorry, it is required that you pay for service, even if you do not use it." I have no way out of paying for the trash pick up. And you can bet that if I tried to bring trash home from my shop and dispose of it, they would cite me. And there is no other utility service to subscribe to. What a crock, huh?