Saturday, January 17, 2009

My New Hobby. . . .

One of my gifts for Christmas was a gift card to Hobby Lobby. For those of you who have never been, it has anything / everything you could possibly need for a variety of hobbys as well as various knick knacks to decorate your home / garden. Last Saturday when I was there, I thought "ok, what hobby could I learn how to do....?" About that time I went by their rows of knitting yarns and supplies. When I was little I loved to watch my great-grandmother knit things. I even "tried" to knit at the time, but nothing ever came of it. I turned my cart down those lanes, and then saw the very thing I wanted to use my gift card for!! A knitting loom!! A completely new way of knitting to me that seemed very easy. I then proceeded to purchase that plus a couple things of yarn. I've been knitting for a week now & absolutely love it!!! So far I've knitted a couple of scarves to get the hang of it, but now I've moved on to making an afghan. Be anxious to see how that goes!! If you have any loom knitting advice, I'd love to hear it. I don't seem to be too good at the finishing part when taking the project off the loom, but I'm working on it!! = )


Phil said...

A loom? I thought they only had those in museums! There are no Hobby Lobby stores near me. Alas I shall never know the joy of knitting!

CountryGirl76 said...

Awwww....that's too bad. When's your birthday? I'll send you one!! LOL