Sunday, November 06, 2005

Have You Ever...?

Have you ever had a neighbor in a complex that reports you at the slightest noise? I've lived in this particular apt complex for almost 2 years now, & have never had a complaint brought against me in any way. In fact in the past 5 years of renting no one has ever issued a complaint. So about a month ago, I get new neighbors right below me. Seemed nice enough, a middle aged couple that enjoys singing karoki accompanied by their guitar & keyboard. Doesn't bother me in the slightest since they respect everyone's need for peace & quiet during middle/late at night. Here's the kicker, they have reported me (at least I assume it's them) for being too noisy. When I came home Friday evening, there was a note from the leasing office informing me to keep the noise down. I have never had my tv/stereo loud enough to shake the walls or to disturb anyone. Unfortunately the only person I can talk to about this is the leasing manager, who won't be in until Monday. When I called the leasing office Friday evening, they informed that they didn't know the source of the noise, and the note was probably posted on more than one door. In fact the ladies that work at the leasing office were a bit shocked that I got this letter. I'm just chomping at the bit to talk to the manager on Monday. I'll be damned if this is going to go against my rental record, since I don't believe I was being that noisy. It's an apartment complex for crying out loud. You've got a variety of noises - babies crying, the occasional argument, tv you can hear ever so slightly, someone doing their laundry or running the dishwasher, etc. Maybe the people below me have never rented before...? Who knows. I just feel better venting. Thanks for reading. Update will surely follow!


Drywall Mom said...

oIf you find out who it is, which they probably wont tell you, make sure to go to them and ask them why they didn't ask you first to keep the noise down. (if there was any at all) That is just completey rude of them to do that without trying to ask you first.

CountryGirl76 said...

Some people are just a little nuts and I don't think they are truly happy until they make a fuss over something trivial. All is well, though thank goodness. I can hear the guilty party as we speak... They aren't bothering me yet any way so I'll keep my complaints to myself...for now... New neighbors have been moving in, in the past couple of weeks. Management should target those people first. Would save a lot of hassle!