Sunday, November 13, 2005

Mid-Life Crisis??
Is it just me, or is Tom Cruise having a mid-life crisis? I remember the day when this guy was the king of cool with a killer smile. Now every time I see him, I just shake my head and wonder what went wrong. Has he always been this way and I'm just now seeing it, or is it a mid-life crisis? The age difference between him & Katie Holmes (oops, now it's Kate!) doesn't bother me, but the fact that the 2 of them together just doesn't add up does. To me they look like brother & sister, instead of soon to married/madly in love people. Am I the only one that doesn't see an ounce of chemistry between them? Then the fact that he is practically dictating what will/won't go on in the relationship is almost medieval. I could go on and on and on...the Oprah show, the pregnancy, etc. I don't like to pick on a person's religion, but could this whole mid-life crisis & scientology be a seriously bad combination. . . . I just don't get it. Could someone please explain what in the sam hill is wrong with this boy?

1 comment:

Drywall Mom said...

Can't tell you why people do certain things, but people make their own decicions and if they really don't love each other, sooner or later it will come out b/c two people that don't get along or arn't compatible will get on each others nerves really fast.