Wednesday, November 02, 2005

What cute animal are you?

You Are A: Squirrel!

sqirrelSquirrels are quick and cheerful animals who spend their time scurrying, scavenging, and playing. As a squirrel, you are often seen jumping happily from branch to branch up in the treetops. Squirrels are foragers searching for nuts and seeds, and they are social animals often seen chasing and playing with other squirrels.

You were almost a: Kitten or a Monkey
You are least like a: Turtle or a BunnyDiscover What Cute Animal You Are!

I don't know whether to think this is funny or not! I've been told I can be a little squirrely, but how'd they know? LOL What cute animal are you?

1 comment:

Katie said...

lol...i'm a did they get a duck...