Sunday, November 20, 2005

Tis the season. . .

With Thanksgiving fast approaching, it reminds me that Christmas is just around the corner. I usually have my shopping started by now, but unfortunately I'm at square one. Is it just me or does it get harder with each passing year to figure out what everyone wants and within a budget? I also find it's easier to shop for the women than it is for the men. Why is that? Of course you can always ask the guys what they want. . .you'll always get the same reply "I don't need anything." I'm always tempted to do that, but I know they'll pout when everyone else is unwrapping their gifts and they have none. Still I am curious to see that expression just the same. Shame on me! LOL

The one thing that really bugs me about Christmas or any holiday for that matter are the commercials trying to help the men figure out what to buy us. Ever notice how the jewelry commercials are the #1 suggestion. Why? Do we really need jewelry for every single holiday or occasion? If that's the case we'd have our own jewelry stores and could swap/borrow with our other female friends.

What's the worse gift you've ever been given? For me it's stationary. I'm not much of a writer as you can tell from my blog. However, once I get started I find it's a breeze, but it's usually when I'm on the computer - not writing out my thoughts to a family member/friend. I'll admit I've been naughty the few times I did receive stationary as a gift....I regifted it to someone who could use it. Regifting can be great sometimes, as long as I don't get caught. LOL

Well, that's all for now. I could ramble a bit more, but I think I'll save it for later. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!


Drywall Mom said...

If you are looking for good gifts for guys, find out who their favorite band is and get time a DVD with the band if they have one. That one always works for me on guys.

CountryGirl76 said...

Great idea, thanks!

Katie said...

i can never think of anything to get guys. like you said they always say "i don't need anything" or "i don't know".
last year i got chris a carten(sp) of duno..but he liked it a lot!

have turkey day to you to!