Monday, November 07, 2005

Have You Ever....??? (Part Two)

So I went down to the leasing office after work today & spoke with the leasing manager; a very sweet lady I might add. That always is helpful instead of getting some cranky person. Anyway I explained to her my situation that I didn't think she had the right apt when she posted the note. After talking with me I believe she agreed. The kicker is....the question she asked me...."do you have a kid?" No I said with an "a-ha" thought in my mind, it's not me!!!! Although I do like to think of my cat & fish as my children, but that's another story. I did tell her though that if it did turn out to be me to let me know. Never hurts to earn some brownie points!!


Drywall Mom said...

I have two kids and live a third floor apt. My 4yr old loves to run and I am constantly making sure he is not pounding on the floor. I am just glad that I have really nice neighbors. I think the next time I'll try for a 1st floor.

CountryGirl76 said...

I don't mind the day to day noises, it's just when I want to sleep that I want some peace & quiet. The 2nd floor works just fine for me so far...expect for that pesky neighbor. LOL

Drywall Mom said...

Don't worry too much about that. The joy of living in apts. is that sooner or later they will move or you will so you are not stuck next to them for years at a time.