Thursday, November 03, 2005

Just a couple of pet peeves about the radio stations these days...

As I listen to the local radio station every morning while getting ready for the day, on the way to work, & back again....I thought I'd share just a couple of things that really get on my nerves about the station. (As well as most stations in general)
  • Is it just me or do you get tired of hearing the same songs every single day? You know the ones I mean, the "nails on the chalk board / if I hear it one more time I'll scream" songs. The morning talk shows I swear hit repeat on the songs they play in between the chat times. When I first heard, Rob Thomas' song "Don't Want To Be Lonely No More" I thought it was a cool song, but now I'll change the station or listen to a CD. So crazy!
  • My other pet peeve is the morning talk show itself. Same shit, different day every single morning. Get some new material people!! And really does every station have to be a copycat in the format of the show? Then there are the days I don't want to listen to them chatter on and on....just play more music!!

Well, I feel better. Guess I'll keep more CD's handy in the future! LOL

1 comment:

Drywall Mom said...

I dont' remember the stations for Denver it has been so long since I lived there but I do remember how annoying they were in the morning. I hate talk shows. Especially on the way to work. It's the same here in Houston. But they do have a station that plays al 80's and 90's music in the morning with no talk show so I do like that.