Friday, November 06, 2009

Drop Stitch Scarf - Designed by Christine Vogel
(aka My first pattern to knit)
I usually just “wing it” when it comes to knitting something. This is my first pattern where I have to carefully count / watch what I am doing. I’ve knitted 12 rows as of now. So far so good. I will admit at the end of the row where I had to drop stitches & count to make sure I still have 26 on my needle…I let out a scream of delight it’s the right number. Awwww….the fun of being a beginner!! LOL

The pattern calls for a silk / wool blend yarn. I’ll admit I’m using the cheap stuff on this first one to make sure I know what I’m doing. I'm using Red Heart Super Saver Multi - color Gemstone. Maybe once I get this done, I’ll go for the higher end stuff. I also think this may look great if made wider for a shawl. Only time will tell…..

As for the picture provided, it's included in the pattern info on with the yarn the creator of the pattern used. Pretty ain't it? = )

Monday, October 19, 2009

One of my projects....
Thought I would share one of my projects I'm working on for Christmas gifts. The scarf was made with Lion Brand Homespun yarn in Corinthian color. Haven't decided who the lucky person will be to get it yet though.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Not ready for winter....
It's inevitable that winter will once again be beating down our doors & making the roads a slick "ride of doom," but how does it manage to sneak up on me? Last I knew autumn was just starting. Then this past Friday / Saturday we had our first measurable snow. As I bundle up for my errands & hear the crunching of snow under my shoes, I can't help but scream "no!!" I scream in my head, but still I am not ready. I can handle most any part of winter but the slick roads when I have to go somewhere. I admit I'm one of those people that drive like they are 100+ so I don't cause an accident. How I envy those people that can drive like nothing is wrong. I also say a quick prayer for them that they don't cause a wreck. Crazy people!! I know I live in a part of the world that has "fun" winters every year but it also has its perks. I love to look out my window to see the mountains caked in snow. At least the cooler weather gives me more reasons to knit things to keep warm!! LOL

Saturday, October 10, 2009

My Yarn & I....
I have been knitting in one form or another since January of this year and I must admit to something..... I have an ever going, ever growing collection of yarn. Can't seem to help myself when I see it on sale or the clearance racks. Upon organizing my collection today, I have noticed I have more than enough to choose from in various styles / colors. And yet I still buy more. Am I the only knitter with this "addiction?" LOL

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Oh no he didn't.....that son of a bitch!!!

The VMA awards tonight have been amazing. Watching the tribute to Michael Jackson was well put together, and Janet (bless her heart) did a fantastic job. I've been a bit surprised by Russell Brand's rather tame performance as host compared to last year. He must have gotten into trouble for his choice words last year. The best part of course was when Green Day won for best rock video & their killer performance. Loved it when Billie Joe invited the fans on to the stage!!

Now for what really pissed me off. The best female video with nominees Pink, Beyonce, Taylor Swift, Pink, & Lady Gaga. I didn't really mind who would win the award. They are all pretty good in their own right. Was surprised that Taylor had a nomination, but with country crossing over into pop music that's alright. No big deal, right? You'd think that but.... When Taylor won she was truly surprised, but the main surprise came a few seconds later when Kayne West came on stage. He grabs the mic out of Taylor's hands giving a lame ass apology & then proceeds to bitch & moan that Beyonce should have won. Beyonce & everyone else was in shock and I am truly surprised someone didn't drag his ass off the stage. What right did that motherfucking son of a bitch have for ruining Taylor's moment?!?!! Was I ever mad. I hope that bastard doesn't win any awards tonight & his records fail to sell. I never thought I would have that boy's name in my blog, but I just had to comment. Please pardon my coarse language used. What do you think of the issue?

Friday, August 28, 2009

Music produces a kind of pleasure which
human nature cannot do without. - Confucius

Monday, August 17, 2009

 2000 Light Years Away....

Going thru some withdrawal yesterday & today. Come back, boys!! Doesn't that make me sound like a typical teenager. If only I was still a teenager. LOL After being at the concert Saturday, the house seemed more quiet than usual. Today I'm doing better. Still can't wait to see them again. Hopefully sooner rather than later.... Just thought I'd share. Hope everyone is having a great day. Even if it is Monday. LOL

Sunday, August 16, 2009

The Time of My Life!!!!!

First & most importantly to my boys...thank you for the honor & genuine thrill of seeing you in concert!! I know you rocked Denver. You also rocked my world and then some. Definitely had the time of my life and will cherish these memories in my heart forever & always! That being said here's what some of you all missed. If you ever get the opportunity to see Green Day, I highly recommend it!!!

This being my first rock concert I tried to take everything in and there was a lot. My friend & I got there about 2 1/2 hours ahead of the show to get our tickets at the will call center. Followed by a 90 minute wait to get inside the Pepsi Center. While we waited it was a joy to people watch. You definitely get a wide variety of people....some dressed punk, some in GD shirts (like myself), and even a guy dressed in overalls. LOL Once in the Pepsi Center, the people who were to be on the floor of the arena (my friend & I included) went to pick out the choice spots of the evening. Little did I know I'd be on the edge of the mosh pit....more on that in a few minutes.

Franz Ferdinand was the opening band of the evening. I knew a few of their songs including "Take Me Out." They put on a great show. The sound was a little off though. The music itself was louder than the vocals so I couldn't understand a lot of the words or even when the lead singer would speak to the crowd. I will definitely look into getting their CD soon. After they were finished it took about 30 minutes for the road crew to remove their instruments / equipment to prepare for my boys to come on stage. The excitement in the crowd continued to build as the time went on. A few minutes before GD came out, here comes the pink bunny staggering onto the stage with 2 beers in his hands. (If anyone knows the story behind the pink bunny, I'd love to hear it. Haven't found the answer yet.) He then proceeded to chug both beers and took off his shirt. It was hilarious!!

And now we come to the concert I've been waiting for...Song of the Century plays and then here come my boys!! Oh what a sight they were. I had to pinch myself to remember I wasn't dreaming. I was actually in the same room with Green Day!! To be able to see them and to feel that music coursing thru my veins....WOW!!! Here are some of the highlights / observations from the show....

  • From the time the concert started until the very end, it was a high energy show with the occasional slow song mixed in. The very first words out of Billie - "Get off your fucking asses!!! This isn't television!! Get the fuck up!!!" During 21st Century Breakdown, Billie even went up into the crowd on the side of the arena. Lucky people!!

  • Several people were brought onto the stage to help sing the songs and do stage dives. During Longview, Billie brought up 3 different people that swore they knew the words, but didn't. That would have been me, but I fine just singing along where I was. LOL Before starting the song Jesus of Suburbia, Billie asked for someone to come up & play guitar for the show. A 12-year-old boy was chosen & did a fantastic job. It was so cool to watch Billie get the boy ready to play the guitar & show him a few things. The boy even got to stage dive. He'll definitely be popular with his friends for awhile. Lucky boy!!

  • Not to leave out Mike & Tre. Mike kept up with Billie in being all over the stage interacting with the fans. Towards the end of the show, Mike came to the end of the stage (close to where I was) thanking the crowd for coming out to the show. As for Tre, he didn't sing the song I wanted, but he was hilarious in his part of King For A Day / Shout. Wearing his big ladies' hat and a bright red bra over his shirt he was quite the looker! LOL Tre would also get up during parts of the show and walk around the stage. Of course he would also throw his drumsticks in the air & threw some out into the crowd towards the end of the show.

  • During the opening chords of Jaded, out came the super-soaker water gun, their leaf blower / toilet paper shooter contraption, and the air gun that blasted t-shirts throughout the crowd. That thing could sure get a lot of distance as it blasted the shirts out there.

  • Now for the mosh pit, a place I was told to avoid. LOL I will tell you up front there will be a few choice words not for the light of heart. What a bunch of dumb motherfuckers!!! These crazy bastards dance like they are drunk or stoned...or both. I'm sure they were and as the night progressed it got worse. At one point a security guard came to the mosh pit to break things up, but that didn't last long. I was on the very edge of the pit itself, and thankfully had some guys near me that would block the "moshers" from me. However I almost got knocked down twice. At one point I became a bouncer of sorts having enough of their bullshit. Whenever one of them would get near me, I would push them back in. Which I found out later is really what they want. I will say the one benefit of the pit is that I was better able to see my boys. They look even better in person than on the TV!! = )

  • Here's a sampling of the songs they performed last night.....She, Going to Pasalaqua, Welcome to Paradise, Murder City, Holiday, Hitchin' A Ride, Last Night on Earth, Static Age, 21 Guns, King for A Day / Shout. Plus a few covers / snippets of - You Really Got Me Now, I'll Be There, Break On Through, Pretty Woman, etc. It all went by so fast. I almost got teary eyed when Good Riddance (Time of Your Life) played. To my knowledge it has always been the closing song of the show.

  • At one point during the show someone had blown up a couple of balloons the size of beach balls with some kind of advertisement written on them. Billie then asked who had a knife and for the crowd to bring the balloons toward him. Of course once he gets a hold of them he uses the knife to burst each one. It was hilarious!

I'll add more to this article, but for now here's just a taste of what I experience last night. Will definitely be seeing them again the next chance I get. Thanks again Green Day!!!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

5 More Hours!!!

Only a few more hours & I'll be on my way to the Pepsi Center to see my boys. As I have said before in previous posts - I can hardly wait. Got everything ready to go, just need to kill a few more hours. Songs I hope they play tonight besides their new CD - Holiday, Hitchin' A Ride, When I Come Around, Christie Road, Dominated Love Slave, and Stuck With Me just to name a few. Tick tock goes the clock.....more to come later..... Did I mention I can hardly wait? LOL
19 Hours & Counting....
Well, it's just a little past midnight in Denver land and now the official day of the concert. I can hardly wait. It's hard to believe that just this past May I bought my tickets for this show to be on the floor and as close to my boys as I can possibly get. Hopefully the people on the floor will be somewhat respectful of those around them & not cram us in there too tightly, but it's a rock concert...who am I kidding right? LOL Unfortunately at this venue cameras of any kind are not allowed. Thank goodness for the cameras on cell phones. Who would take them right? Surely I can sneak a few pics. More to come later as the day progresses. I'll also be putting up a review of the concert as soon as I get home....sober or tipsy maybe...but definitely excited!!

Thursday, August 06, 2009

My favorite picture of Green Day
(Rolling Stone Cover 2009)

9 days and counting!!!
The clock is ticking, but not quite fast enough to suit me!! When I say I am obsessed when it comes to Green Day, that's putting it lightly. Every morning throughout the week I go to to check out the latest news, and with the tour in full swing there is never a shortage of what's going on. Not to mention all the sweet people that put up videos on so I can get a taste of what's to come. Being a part of the fan club aka "The Idiot Club," I was able to purchase tickets ahead of time. I'm going to be on the floor of the arena with the hope of being as close as possible. What should I take with me I wonder? Got to make sure my cell phone is charged to the max. It will be a great opportunity for me to test out the camera / video on my cell. I will have to remember not to go to wild or I'll use all my cell phone space & miss out on something else. Ear plugs? I'm told I may need them if the music is way too loud, but oh what a way to go when losing one's hearing. Have a definite feeling I'll lose my voice from screaming with excitement & singing at the top of my lungs. Would love to go up on stage to sing with my boys, but wouldn't you know I'd be one of those people to go blank when asked to sing a solo. Grrr!!

Don't ya just love this picture of Tre & Billie Joe? I'm hoping Tre will sing "Dominated Love Slave" or one of his other songs. He does a pretty good job & who can't help but laugh with his comedic antics? = ) More to come as the countdown continues.....

Sunday, August 02, 2009

13 days and counting!!!!
On August 15th, I'll be going to my first punk rock concert to see my fave band Green Day!! I can hardly wait!!! If you have any tips for what I should expect at a rock concert that would be great. I've only ever been to country concerts, and I know it will be quite the change. More blogs to come as the countdown brings me closer to seeing my boys!! = )

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Is it really necessary (aka my trivial matters post of the day)....

Toilet seat people really need to use them? Granted I work in a building with 400+ people who have to "go" at some point throughout the day, but the place is kept clean above & beyond most standards. My company also takes pride in recycling to save the earth. And yet I wonder why people think it's necessary to use covers to "protect" their ass. Protect from what I cannot begin to fathom. I never use them and have yet to catch any sort of "disease." If there's any place these things would be useful is a foreign country or a hole-in-the-wall bar / restaurant, but of course they don't have them there. LOL

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

No means NO!!

I used to work in retail, so believe me when I say I know you have to but.... When I go to checkout with my purchases, and you ask me if I would be interested in your store credit card....if I say "no, thank you" that means for you to stop right there. No, I don't want to hear anything more. No, I don't want to save 10% more on top of the coupons & what-not I have to save what I have so far. No means no!! This also applies when I am looking thru the store. If I am looking around, and you come up to me with the list of specials to talk about that's fine but when I say no again....guess what? It means "leave me alone!!" Why oh why can't I be nice about it? Why do I have to be a witch to get your attention? Can someone please explain this to me? LOL

Saturday, January 17, 2009

My New Hobby. . . .

One of my gifts for Christmas was a gift card to Hobby Lobby. For those of you who have never been, it has anything / everything you could possibly need for a variety of hobbys as well as various knick knacks to decorate your home / garden. Last Saturday when I was there, I thought "ok, what hobby could I learn how to do....?" About that time I went by their rows of knitting yarns and supplies. When I was little I loved to watch my great-grandmother knit things. I even "tried" to knit at the time, but nothing ever came of it. I turned my cart down those lanes, and then saw the very thing I wanted to use my gift card for!! A knitting loom!! A completely new way of knitting to me that seemed very easy. I then proceeded to purchase that plus a couple things of yarn. I've been knitting for a week now & absolutely love it!!! So far I've knitted a couple of scarves to get the hang of it, but now I've moved on to making an afghan. Be anxious to see how that goes!! If you have any loom knitting advice, I'd love to hear it. I don't seem to be too good at the finishing part when taking the project off the loom, but I'm working on it!! = )

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Prices never go down....

Why is it most things you buy the prices go up & down periodically (gas, food, etc), but never things such as cable / rent / insurance rates? They always go up for some lame ass excuse or another. Oh sure we can do without certain things, but others we have to pay no mater what & go without things we really do need. Granted I don't need to have cable, but just once I wish they'd lower their prices for a change. I swear if they raise it one more time, I'm going to switch to Dish Network so fast it'll make their heads spin!! Grrr!! What do you wish would go down in price? Let's discuss!!

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Trivial thought of the day....

Have you ever noticed that most channels go to commercial at the same time?? WTF?!? I do not want to sit thru commercials - that's why I flip to watch something else to kill time!! And btw I hate that commercial breaks keep getting longer. Does it really take 5+ minutes of commercial break time to advertise shit we don't need? Dayum!!! LOL